Submit A Class Note

Add your updates to the UCCS Alumni Class Notes!

Your classmates want to hear about you! Share your news with the UCCS family by submitting a Class Note.

Did you get married? Welcome a new child into the family? Get a new job, promotion or move to a new city?

We invite you to tell us about your recent travels, career developments, published works, family updates or anything else you want the Mountain Lion community to know about. 

(Please limit your submission to 100 words or less.)

Class Note Submission Final

Your Name
Maiden Name (If applicable):
Which UCCS College or School did you graduate from? Check all that apply.
Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate
For example: Economics, marketing, nursing, electrical engineering, etc.
For example, a new job, career change, recipient of an award, publication, relocation, growth of a family, etc.
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
By completing and submitting this form, I agree to and acknowledge that UCCS, the Office of Advancement, or University Communications may edit or alter my submission without changing the concept or message, and give permission for my image and class note to be used in any UCCS Advancement or University Communications purposes including official social media pages. 

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