Alumni Traditions Challenge
About the Traditions Challenge

The Students Today Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) club is excited to offer the UCCS Mountain Lion Traditions Challenge. It is your passport to learn about the customs and traditions that make being a UCCS Mountain Lion a unique and rewarding experience.
During your multi-year journey, how many activities can you complete before you graduate? Using the Traditions Challenge poster throughout college will not only give you the opportunity to become a "Mountain Lion Traditions Keeper" but show you exactly what the UCCS has to offer.
Levels of Recognition
Black Level
10 Activities Completed
Earn a UCCS Window Decal -
Gold Level
20 Activities Completed
Earn a UCCS E-Grip -
Clyde Level
30 Activities Completed
Earn a UCCS Water Bottle -
Mountain Lion Level
40 Activities Completed
Traditions Keeper Graduation Medal
Traditions Challenge Poster

The Traditions Challenge poster boasts a plethora of challenges. It is a "must-do" list of campus activities that everyone should participate in before graduation. There really is something for everyone. It includes Exploring Campus & Beyond, Getting Involved, Black & Gold Pride, and Mountain Lions Are Scholars. UCCS's traditions are part of our campus' continually evolving history.
How to Get Your Poster
Go to the UC
Stop by the University Center Info Desk.
Visit Mountain Lion Connect
Submit information online through Mountain Lion Connect.
Attend Grad Bash
Visit the Alumni & Friends Association at Grad Bash.
Pick Up Traditions Challenges Prizes
Students can use Mountain Lion Connect to mark off completed Traditions Challenge activities and arrange to pick up prizes by contacting the UCCS Alumni Office. Pick-up will also be available at Grad Bash.